The latest Rankings on Dashboard Metrics graphic appears below, and reveals that team rankings on the following metrics are most highly correlated with ladder position:
Own Scoring Shots per Game (+0.84)
Own Points per Game (+0.81)
Own Goals per Game (+0.8)
Percent of Quarters Won (+0.78)
MoS Win Production Function Expected Wins (+0.76)
Least highly correlated are:
Opponent Scoring Shot Conversion (+0.23)
Own Scoring Shot Conversion (+0.27)
Opponent Goals per Game (+0.28)
Opponent Points per Game (+0.33)
Q2 Performances (+0.4)
The Conceded Scoring per Game section of the dashboard is especially notable in that, for both metrics, teams ranked in the bottom 8 represent the majority of teams in the Top 8 on the competition ladder.
Although it’s not entirely true to say that the sole criterion for success this season has been offensive ability, offence has clearly been more important than defence.
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