A ‘scorigami’ is generally taken to mean a final score line that has never been recorded before

Never Before Seen Final Game Scores

Winning Score & Losing Score Pairing as Points

This chart is based on every game from 1897 to 2024 and records the proportion of final scores in a season (eg 72-67) that had never before been recorded in V/AFL history

Scorigamis are becoming rarer and rarer and there has been a general decline in the proportion of never-before seen scores starting from around the mid 1980s after a spike in late 1970s / early 1980s as higher-than-ever scores being recorded.

Currently, about 1 game in 10 produces a scorigami.

Season 2019 produced the fewest never-before-seen scores of any season in history, both in terms of number (17) and percentage (8.2%). Season 1979 produced the largest number of never-before-seen scores of any season in history in terms of number (83, which was 60.1%), but 1897 produced most in terms of percentage (98.4%).