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2022 - Round 13 Results - Hot Pies Some Comfort on Cold Weekend

Five of the six favourites again won this week, but this time all but Home Sweet Home joined Bookie Knows Best in registering that score, which meant there was no movement at all on the Head-to-Head Tipster Leaderboard.

The all-Tipster average was 4.9 from 6, lifting the all-Tipster all-season average to just under 68%.

All the Margin Predictors recorded mean absolute errors (MAEs) of under 18 points per game, the best being MoSSBODS_Marg’s 15.9 points per game, and the worst RSMP_Weighted’s 17.9 points per game.

The only movement saw Bookie_LPSO surrender fourth place back to Bookie_3.

The all-Predictor average came in at a whisker under 17 points per game.

Log probability scores were all positive yet again this week, and all broadly similar, which meant that MoSHBODS_Prob remained top of the Leaderboard ahead of MoSHPlay_Prob and MoSSBODS_Prob.

It’s quite the season the MoS trio are having.


Another small loss for Investors this week, after a late Pies head-to-head win didn’t do enough to erase the losses from the Roos the night before.

The overall round loss for the Combined Portfolio was 0.4c, which moved it to a season-long profit of just over 23c, that from a +35% ROT on a 0.66 turn.