2016 Round 7 : Overs/Unders Update
/Investors have just four Overs/Unders wagers this week to fret about, three of them Unders wagers with thresholds ranging from 176.5 to 188.5 points, and the fourth an Overs wager with a 175.5 points threshold.
As usual, the tendency is for MoSSBODS to be conservative in its score projections, this week forecasting smaller scores for five of the home teams and seven of the away teams.
For only three teams, however, are MoSSBODS' projections more than two goals different from the TAB's:
- For Sydney, where MoSSBODS projects a 106 point tally and the TAB projects 121
- For Essendon, where MoSSBODS projects a 43 point tally and the TAB projects 56
- For the Brisbane Lions, where MoSSBODS projects an 88 point tally and the TAB projects 75
For the season to date, MoSSBODS continues to outpredict the TAB on away team projections, the latest analysis revealing that the mean absolute errrors for:
- Home team scores are: 27.4 points for MoSSBODS and 24.3 points for the TAB
- Away team scores are: 19.5 points for MoSSBODS and 21.2 points for the TAB