Not As Good As Last Week (or the Week Before)
/What to make of all that then?
Firstly, the Line Redux Fund has stumbled for the first time this season, winning just 1 of 3 bets, but still leaving all Investors with exposure to this Fund in profit. This weekend's results take the Line Redux Fund to 6-4 for the season, perilously close to a chance result.
And it's not as if I can claim 'near-thing' status since the Lions lost by 26.5 points and the Hawks lost by 53.5 points on handicap betting. Not even the most tenuously tenured of coaches has attributed a 9 goal loss to nothing more than the proverbial 'bounce of the ball'.
Thank heavens for the Swans. For the second time this season they've won outright when we've backed them with start.
Investors with Hope Fund exposure please note that things warm up next weekend as the Hope Fund joins the Line Redux Fund and goes live. Over the past 4 weeks, had I given it its head, the Hope Fund would've made 2 or 3 bets each week (with, if I'm honest - which I'm pathologically inclined to be, often regardless of the consequences - only marginal success).
On tipping, the bag was also decidedly mixed. No tipster managed better than 4 from 8 and only 3 favourites saluted the judge, which leaves us in the very odd position where 3 tipsters - Shadow, Silhouette and Short Term Memory II - lead BKB by a tip and a half. How strange to find a tipster underpinned by a mindless heuristic and dedicated to a non-existent dog leading one of the finest football minds on the planet. Clearly in a post GFC, climate-changing world, all the normal societal rules have been suspended. Or something.
Please note that we're now only a couple of weeks away from the Pick the Finishing positions competition. Look out for details this week.