1897 to 2011 : Goals, Behinds, Scoring Accuracy & Winning Team Results By Quarter
/Predicting the TAB Sportsbet Margin
/Surprisals and Probability Scores
/Predicting the Final SuperMargin Bucket In-Running
/The Increased Importance of Predicting Away Team Scores
/Finding Non-Linear Relationships Between AFL Variables : Alternative Measures to MIC
/Finding Non-Linear Relationships Between AFL Variables : The MINER Package
/Picking the High-Scoring Game
/Predicting the Final Margin In-Running (and Does Momentum Exist)?
/Optimising the Wager: Yet More Custom Metrics in Formulize
/Predictors Behaving Badly: Intransitivity Revisited
/What's Easier - Predicting the Home or the Away Team Score?
/Setting an Initial Rating for GWS
/Specialist Margin Prediction: Epsilon Insensitive Loss Functions
/Specialist Margin Prediction: "Bathtub" Loss Functions
/A Well-Calibrated Model
/Measures of Game Competitiveness
/Margins of Victory Across the Seasons
/Cursory Mention of MAFL in New Scientist (Probably)
/At the start of the year, Michael Schmidt, creator of the Eureqa application, mentioned that Justin Mullins from New Scientist was researching for a piece on Eureqa. I dropped an e-mail to Justin, received a polite reply and thought little more of it.
Turns out the final article included this paragraph:
"Today, the algorithm is called Eureqa and has thousands of users all over the world, with people using it for everything from financial forecasting to particle physics. One person even uses it to analyse the statistics of Australian rules football games."
(Various people have cut-and-pasted the full article, for example Transcurve and Kurzweilai, and you can access the original content directly via the New Scientist site if you're willing to create a free subscription.)
I can't be completely certain, but it's more likely than not that the last sentence refers to MAFL.
It'd be nice if the reference was a tad more direct - say with a name or a URL - but then again it'd be preferable if any wider awareness of MAFL's existence came at a time when the Funds were making rather than losing money. So, swings and roundabouts ...