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2022 - Round 27 Results - Not With a Bang ...

A disappointing end to the season, but not a result that surprised any of the Head-to-Head Predictors except MoSSBODS_Marg.

As such, Head-to-Head Tipster Leaderboard finishes with MoSHBODS_Marg in 1st, MoSSBODS_Marg in 2nd, and Bookie Knows Best and MoSHPlay_Marg in equal third. The all-Tipster all-season average finishes at just over 70%.

Geelong’s huge margin meant that the Margin Predictors’ mean absolute errors (MAEs) were all high, with MoSHBODS_Marg doing best and MoSSBODS_Marg worst. There was no movement on the Leaderboard, which finished with MoSSBODS_Marg in 1st, fewer than 3 points ahead of MoSHPlay_Marg in 2nd, and then with MoSHBODS_Marg only another 15 points further back.

The all-Predictor average came in at 64.9 points per game, which lifted the all-season all-Predictor average to just over 24.7 points per game.

Log probability scores were all highly positive this week (except for MoSSBODS_Prob), and highest of all for MoSHBODS_Prob. The final ordering on the Leaderboard is MoSSBODS_Prob in 1st, MoSHBODS_Prob in 2nd, and then MoSHPlay_Prob in 3rd.


A small loss to finish the season thanks to MoSSBODS’ folly, but nonetheless a very satisfying season overall. All three Funds ended in the green and with ROTs ranging from about 20 to 40%.

The overall round loss for the Combined Portfolio was just 0.2c, which moved it to a final, season-long profit of 41.7c, that from a +33% ROT on a 1.28 turn.