2021 - Round 4 Results - What's The Re-Order Number?
Collectively, the Head-to-Head Tipsters averaged 5.7 from 9 this week, bolstered by 6 from 9 returns for all three MoS Tipsters, which left them filling the top three spots on the Leaderboard.
The MoS trio also turned in the three best mean absolute error (MAE) values for the round, and were the only Margin Predictors to beat 20.5 points per game. MoSHPlay_Marg did well enough to retain top spot, now ahead of MoSHBODS_Marg and MoSSBODS_Marg. The three have opened up about a three-goal lead on the rest of the field
The Head-to-Head Probability Predictors, with the exception of Bookie_RE, all recorded narrowly positive log probability scores, leaving MoSHBODS_Prob still in top spot, ahead of its two MoS brothers.
Another profit for Investors in Round 4 - the best of the season, in fact, and the first time that all three Funds have contributed to the gain.
In aggregate, the Combined Portfolio is now up by 7.2c, this from a +35% ROT on an 0.21 turn.