Matter of Stats

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MatterOfStats 2020 : Team Dashboard for Round 4

Here’s the latest Rankings on Dashboard Metrics table, which reveals the following interesting facts:

  • Port Adelaide, though Top 2 on every other metric, is 11th on Own Scoring Shot Conversion

  • Gold Coast is 12th on Scoring Shot generation

  • Brisbane Lions are 18th on Own Scoring Shot Conversion, and 15th on Opponent Scoring Shot Conversion

  • Hawthorn are 14th on Opponent Scoring Shot Conversion, and 16th on Q4 performances

  • North Melbourne’s statistics are all over the place: bottom half on Opponent Scoring Shot generation, Own Scoring Shot Conversion, Own Goals and Points per Game, and Q1, Q2 and Q3 performances, but top half for all the other metrics including 1st on Opponent Scoring Shot Conversion and Q4 Performances

  • Adelaide are 6th on Own Scoring Shot Conversion, and 4th on Opponent Scoring Shot Conversion, but 18th on both Own and Opponent Scoring Shot generation

Interestingly, the rank correlations between the Scoring Shot Conversion metrics and the current ladder positions are particularly low, as is that between Q4 performances and ladder positions. My sense at the moment is that a lot of teams that are in front at the final change are shutting up shop in the last term.

The full Team Dashboard appears below, and shows that:

  • Colingwood are yet to lose a Q1, Port Adelaide a Q2, and North Melbourne a Q4

  • Sydney are yet to win a Q1, Adelaide, Geelong, and West Coast a Q2, Melbourne a Q3, and Essendon and West Coast a Q4

  • North Melbourne have scored two-thirds of their points in the second half of games, Collingwood two-thirds in the first half, and Sydney and the Gold Coast about two-thirds in Q2 and Q3 combined

  • Port Adelaide have outscored their opponents almost 4:1 in Q2s