An Analysis of Strength of Schedule for the Men's 2022 AFL Season

I thought that this year I might not have time to perform the traditional Strength of Schedule analysis, having spent far too long during the off-season re-optimising the MoS twins (more on which in a future blog), but here I am on a rainy night in Sydney with a toothache that a masochist would label ‘unpleasantly painful’ and the prospect of sleep before tomorrow’s 11:30am dental appointment fairly remote. So, let’s do it …

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Updating the Player-Based MoSHPlay Forecaster

Last season, we had the first partially player-based forecaster, MoSHPlay, which provided forecasts for game margins and game totals, and estimates of home team victory probabilities. It performed reasonably well in a year that was, in many ways, completely unlike those it had been trained on.

It used as inputs the margin and team score forecasts of MoSHBODS, and player ratings derived from historical SuperCoach scores.

In this blog I’ll take you through the process of reviewing the existing MoSHPlay forecasting equations, and investigate the efficacy of deriving player ratings from AFL Player Rating scores rather than from SuperCoach scores.

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Updating the MoS Twins for the 2021 Season

Perhaps naively in retrospect, I had hoped that the changes I made to the MoS twin algorithms in preparation for the 2020 season would be the last I’d need to make for a while. But, the unusual nature of 2020 fixturing highlighted some characteristics of both Systems that I thought needed redressing, so 2021 will see new versions of MoSSBODS and MoSHBODS providing key forecasts.

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Building a Score-by-Score Men's AFL Simulator: Part II

In the normal course of things, it would have taken me months to create a simulator that I was happy with, but the current situation has given me larger blocks of time to devote to the problem than would otherwise have been the case, so the development process has been, as the business world loves to say, “fast-tracked”.

The new version is somewhat similar to the one I wrote about in this earlier blog, but different in a number of fundamental ways, each of which we’ll address during the remainder of this blog.

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Building a Score-by-Score Men's AFL Simulator: Part I

This past week, in between some pieces of client work, I’ve been coming up with a workable methodology for creating a score-by-score men’s AFL simulator that will be as faithful as possible to the actual scoring behaviour we’ve observed in recent seasons.

Over the next few blogs I’ll be describing the process of building this simulator which, let me stress immediately, is not yet finished. From what I’ve been able to create so far, I think the general approach I’m following is viable, but we’ll only see just how viable when it’s done.

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Historical Team Rating Trajectories (1970 to 2019)

Over the past couple of blogs, we’ve been analysing historical scoring progressions to come up with archetypical game types in terms of the ebb-and-flow of the game margin.

To do that, we treated the score progressions as time series data and today we’ll do something similar with teams’ season-by-season historical MoSH2020 Team Ratings for the period 1970 to 2019, inclusive.

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A Different Way of Clustering Men's AFL Games Based on the Margin Trajectory

In the previous post we looked at classifying men’s AFL games on the basis of the score progression from the home team’s point of view.

Now it might be that you’re indifferent about whether it was the home or the away team that was leading at any point, but instead care about the size of the margin from the point of view of the team that eventually won.

In today’s blog we’re going to revisit the analysis of the previous blog, using the same data, but looking at it from the viewpoint of the winning teams.

(Thanks to Daniel from InsightLane for this idea. You can find all of the score progressions used here on the ScoreWorm page of his website.)

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2019 Strength of Schedule: A Post-Season Review

Back in November of 2018 we looked at the then-upcoming season of the AFL and estimated the strength of schedule for all 18 teams based on the MoSHBODS Ratings and Venue Performance Values (VPVs) that prevailed at the time.

In this blog post we'll use the same methodology but replace the static, start-of-season MoSHBODS data with the dynamic Ratings and VPVs that each team's opponents carried into the respective game to assess who, in hindsight, had easier or more difficult schedules than we assessed initially.

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